8세 소아에서 충수절제술 후에 발견된 간 농양

8세 소아에서 충수절제술 후에 발견된 간 농양

Liver abscess after appendectomy due to acute appendicitis in a young child.

Release Date :
Jeong Mook Yeom, Du Young Choi, Seung Hyun Lee , Seung Taek Yu
Wonkwang University Hospital Department of Pediatrics1
염정묵, 최두영, 이승현 , 유승택
원광대학교 의과대학병원 소아청소년과1


Introduction : Liver Abscess in children is a rare in developed countries. Liver abscess is rare with an incidence of 25 per 100,000 admissions in USA. Clinical features inculde that fever, RUQ pain, palpable mass, liver enlargement with tenderness are accompanied. Nonspecific symptoms may also occur, such as nausea, vomiting, indigestion, unexplained anemia, or respiratory symptoms such as coughing. Common complications are pleural effusion, empyema, pneumonitis, intraperitoneal or intrapericardiac rupture, septic shock, cerebral amebiasis, etc. These complications may lead to death if the management is delayed. However, recent management results in a mortality of less than 15%. We are to report a 8-year-old patient of liver abscess after appendectomy. Case A 8-year-old child was admitted complaining of fever, fatigue, myalgia 1 weeks ago on May, 2017. The patient had a past history of appendectomy due to acute appendicitis on November, 2016. she had mild fever with myalgia, fatigue and was admitted to our hospital. Laboratory findings showed Hb 11.6g/dL; hematocrit (Hct) 34.1%; WBC count 12,470 μL; platelets count 315,000 μL; AST(GOT) 32 IU/L; ALT(GPT) 22 IU/L CRP 142.83 mg/L. Procalcitonin : 1.9ng/mL. She was performed abdominal CT, and about 5cm sized hypodense lesion in liver segment 6 and multifocal hypodense lesion in right kidney upper & mid pole was observed, which indicated Liver abscess and renal abscess. The patient was treated with percutaneous catheter drainage and Antiboitics. After percutaneous catheter drainage, the amount of drainage gradually decreased and symptom was improved. Liver abscess size was decreased in follow up ultrasonography. And oral antibiotic therapy was performed for 6 weeks and she had been totally recovered. Conclusion: A 8-year-old child complained of fever, fatigue and myalgia. She had CRP elevation level at her laboratory test, and was diagnosed as Liver abscess after appendectomy due to acute appendicitis. We are to report a case of Liver abscess after appendectomy due to acute appendicitis in the 8-year-old complaining fever and fatigue, myalgia.

Keywords: Liver abscess, Appendectomy, Acute appendicitis